Monday, September 24

The Daily Life of Consuming Culture

The word ‘consumption’ often links back to food such as healthy food intake for those who do not think further than what they see in front of their eyes. The unit “Consuming Culture” has broadened the view of mine to see beyond the things that are common. The word “consume” has more than one meaning. It is more than eating but it could also be defined as “buying” or “using resources”. Consuming culture is a theory that studies the consumption choices that an individual or a society makes based on a social and cultural point of view. The current consuming culture is actually controlled by the marketers. At least, that is how it appears to be at the moment. Maybe it has started since long ago but then again, in the past, the people work to gain the basic necessity of a human need. However, if the idea is being put as it is, maybe the era has not changed all that much but it has become excessive. The reason that being said is that the basic necessity of a human need was considered a luxury. Relating back to the current era, people are working towards success. A person is considered as successful is not when they have obtained an emotional gratification but rather it is when they make a name out of themselves. Acknowledgement brings forth fame and then money. When a person has money, they can afford the luxurious things in this world. The change in time has made it possible that spending money for shopping is no longer for the sake of survival but it has transformed into an act of leisure (Timothy, 2005). The era has become more affordable and survival has become something most people no longer think about. The social standings have to dissolve but money still makes the world go round but majority items are no longer unaffordable like before unless they are set to be sold as luxury items.

The definition of a luxury item is not exactly defined by the society either. The marketer is still the ones who control the public opinion. Luxury items are not only linked to things that are scarce in terms of resources but it is the manipulation of the market that makes the public think it is luxurious. Let us take a diamond for example. It was considered as luxurious items due to its scarcity. However, in the 19th century, diamonds were found in Africa in a mass quantity which later flooded the market hence, dropping the value of the diamond. The way that the marketer control this situation is by monopolising the diamond supply market. They even created an advertising campaign that coaxes the public to keep the diamond instead of using it as an investment. Later on, they manage to link the diamond industry with marriage and even went to say that “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” because of the symbolism the diamond now carries. Diamonds are now more than just a rock. It represents love, romance and the memories that a woman create with the diamond. As if without diamonds, there can never be any romance nor can anyone create a lovely memory. This shows that the diamond marketing strategy is considered a success because it has even become a part of the marriage culture. The reason that the marketing strategy works have something to do with the fact that consumption is considered cultural since human especially, marketer loves to attach extraneous meaning onto certain items and allow it to become more than an inanimate object but something beyond that (Slater, 1997).

I began to wonder whether life is enough as it is or am I in the vicious cycle controlled by the marketer? Another reason that the marketer is controlling the consuming culture because marketing would not work if a person is satisfied with their current state. They need to feel incomplete in order for them to easily manipulated into buying items that will make them ‘better’ than they are before. The marketer has long started to manipulate a woman’s ideal body image in order to gain from them. The rise of these ideal woman’s body image started when the modern advertising industry begin (Sandlin & Maudlin, 2012). They start to define the beauty standards that a woman should have depending on the country or society they try to penetrate. This is because when a woman find that they are lacking the beauty of an ‘ideal’ woman, they are prone to buy the things that the marketer promotes to them while saying that their products can help a woman achieve the unrealistic ideal body that they have set. The marketer uses advertisement as a method to spread the ideal image that does not exist in order to exploit those that have lower self-esteem and emotionally weak (Featherstone, 1982). For example, makeup products. Everyone knows that makeup is created with chemicals. In the olden days, mercury was heavily used in the creation of makeup product. Even the current era of makeup still contains mercury at a certain level. Despite knowing that putting on makeup will ruin my face in the future, I still own several makeup products that I use. The reason that I want to own a makeup product despite being told I do not look much different when I wore makeup and not, is because I was told as I grow up that a makeup can enhance a person beauty and conceal the flaws. In Malaysia, the society links dark lips with a smoker and since it is forbidden for a Muslim to smoke, the relationship of dark lips and smoking has created an illusion that dark lips are ugly. Due to this fact, I own more than one lipstick and I become obsessed with collecting red coloured lipstick. The image ideology impact has penetrated deep into the subconscious and allowed me to self-deprecate myself. This is the emotions that marketer exploits upon in order to make me buy products that I either have enough or do not need at all. 

Business is a chain of supply and demand. If there is a demand, there will be a supply. Once the supply has met the demand, sometimes there will be a surplus. In order to ensure this surplus will be able to give them profit, they need to create a situation where nobody is comfortable in staying as they are now (Featherstone, 1990). People are buying the items provided by the market with a goal in mind. It is actually more often than not that the consumption by the people who are in the middle-class income family buy things in order to fit in. This is due to the distortion created by the marketer because they hope to create a situation where the consumer would feel left alone if they do not follow the trend. Often those like-minded would buy things from a specific brand as if to signify that they are the same type of people (Richins, 2005). An easy example would be a Malaysian who consider themselves as a ‘hipster’, which by definition should be a person that follows non-mainstream things but ends up being a mainstream. These people would often buy Converse sneakers as it looks cool in their opinion and those with the same fashion sense as they are able to integrate with them easily. 

The hope that everyone is able to break away from the vicious cycle of consumerism may be difficult to achieve. In order to break away from all these things, there are far too many things that a person need to abandon. The construction of the society itself is built around consumerist value. They claim that economic growth is helping the country develop. Looking at the lifestyle in Malaysia, everything requires a person to be in debt before they can obtain something such as tertiary education, a house, a car and many more. If a person buys a house in cash, the people from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia will come knocking on that person’s door. This is because nobody should be able to afford a house or a car without getting a loan unless they are involved in something shady. The governance of a country itself is not helping those who wish to break from the consumerism cycle. Twitchell (1999) talks about the Voluntary Simplicity movement where these people who are in this movement emphasis on living more for less but they are actually focusing more on living with fewer items. It is similar to hypocrisy as the money spent to have a simple life may not be little at all. In fact, for the sake of quality, a person may buy more expensive items in hope that they’ll last longer despite having fewer things at their home. Also, the people who are encouraging others to downsize are actually involved in a marketing strategy. Some of them became a popular book author that manage to sell half a million copy of their book. In order for someone to follow this so-called lifestyle, they have to buy the book so they may learn the steps that a person can take when downsizing. In the end, there is a cost that you need to pay in order to learn about the methods of downsizing. There is a possibility that the only way that anyone could escape the cycle is to break all contacts with the current technological world and live in the middle of nowhere. Live life to the fullest by returning back to a caveman era, then it is possible to break away from the consumer culture.

As for myself, I believe it is fine to follow the flow but everyone must know not to go beyond their capabilities. It is hard enough to escape the comfort of the current resources but that does not mean we should drop everything and walk. As a human, social interaction is part of life. Rather than questioning about the consuming culture have done to each of us, maybe it is time for us to look another way and think of a way to make the world a better place. After all, the current technology era, despite being controlled by the marketer, it is no longer one hundred per cent controlled by them. We have a choice to educate ourselves and move within reason.

Featherstone, M. (1990). Perspectives on Consumer Culture. Sociology,24(1), 5-22. doi:10.1177/0038038590024001003
Featherstone, M. (1982) The Body in Consumer Culture. Theory, Culture & Society 1(2), 18-35.
Richins, M. (2005) What Consumers Desire: Goals and Motives in the Consumption Environment, in Ratneshwar and Mick (eds) Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires, London & New York: Routledge, pp.340-7.
Sandlin, J. A., & Maudlin, J. G. (2012). Consuming pedagogies: Controlling images of women as consumers in popular culture. Journal of Consumer Culture,12(2), 175-194. doi:10.1177/1469540512446877
Slater, D. (1997) The Meaning of Things, in Consumer Culture & Modernity, Cambridge: Polity, pp.131-7.
Timothy, D. (2005) Recreational Shopping, Leisure, and Labour, in Shopping Tourism, Retailing and Leisure, Clevedon: Channel View Publications, pp.15-41.

Twitchell, J. (1999) Introduction, in Lead Us into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism, New York: Columbia University Press, pp.1-15.

Friday, June 20

Sir Hasif Opinion on Me

Hello readers and friends. 
For my BEL(English) course,
Our class got a male lecturer. 
He look young but I think maybe,
He's 30 years old. 
His name is Sir Hasif. 

My opinion on him was that,
He tries too hard. 
His class feels a little dull,
Even though he tries to make it fun. 

There were a lot of our classmates
Did not turn up for class,
because they went back home already.
Sadly, I can never go back,
Not until Eid Fitri or semester break. 

He was heart broken. 
He's very dramatic. 
So instead of doing whatever he planned,
We did an opening up session. 

He asked us of our opinions,
I told him the truth,
He appreciated it. 
Even though my friend 
said that was insensitive. 
(I tend to be insensitive sometimes)

Then he started giving 
his impression on us,
I was sitting in the second row,
The second near the wall,
Sitting alone in that row.

He kind of missed me out. 
At the end of it,
Jia said he missed out me. 
Then he apologises. 
He said sometimes,
Some people outshine others.

Since way back,
I was never in spotlight 
even if I sat in front,
So I like to put myself in the shadows,
When he said that remark,
I told Sophie, 'I put myself in the Shadows'

Then he began his opinion on me. 
He said I was the catalyst of this class. 
People didn't understood what it meant,
I was more of confuse. 
Why am I a catalyst?

Everyone asked him to explain. 
He did in simpler terms. 
Whereas he notices yesterday,
During the speaking test practice,
My ideas was well organised,
The points was well thought out.
I didn't even have to try,
It was within me. 

He said everyone should be like me. 
I was really flattered. 
I guess in a way,
He was saying that,
I am able to increase the level of expectation.
More like I'm able to increase the level of our class. 

It was kind of him to say that. 
I felt bad because I was writing a poem. 
Which was a little rude. 
You can see it in the picture below. 

I guess, that's all from me. 
Thank you sir. 
And I'm sorry. 
I'll try to talk to you more like you wanted. 
(Not that I like talking to anyone during class)

Thanks for reading till the end. 
Hope you'll read it again sometime. 

Sunday, May 25

Dreaming about Mummy (Snow)

if you guys haven't known of it,
but I have a cat named Snow,
I call her Mummy cause she gave birth to the little ones.

She's my favourite among the cats we own.
I'll share about how it goes there and what kind of cat she is,
but you all have to know,
I really loves her.

She went missing last year after Eid Fitri,
I cried a lot,
cause I wasn't home at that time,
I was in my hostel.

When I found out she went missing,
I remembered that I didn't say goodbye to her,
We were rushing back then and my mind told me,
'You don't have to say goodbye, you'll see her soon,
you can tell her then."

It hurts.
Then, I got this dream.
It's a weird dream.
I don't mind weird dreams but this one was different.
Mummy was in it.

I was carrying her around in a cat carrier.
I was hugging her, fixing her up.
She has some sort of wound on her hand,
but it wasn't bleeding or anything.
She was there. Around.

When I woke up,
I feel empty.
I feel longing.

Mew, her daughter was suppose to sleep with me.
I woke up  earlier than my little sis,
so I looked around the room,
and someone already let her out.

I gave it up and went back to sleep.
Feeling that longing and loneliness.

Before deciding to write this post,
I was letting Mew out of the house and stared at her.
She was staring into space at the gate for a long time,
a thought, no, more like screams of flooding thoughts,
'maybe she's hoping for Mummy to come home'
'maybe she still believes in her heart that she would'

I felt it again,
that bitter feeling in my heart.
I really misses her.
then I decided I should write this all out before I cry myself out again.

I wish we'll meet again.
I hope we will meet again.
and that time,
I want us to stay together for a very long time.

Saturday, May 17

Thoughts&Opinion #11 : Religion & Money

I never knew a religion could be so expensive until now. I have always ponder about the price of studying a religion. Even buying one book takes so much money away. Even getting a teacher makes money flies away. Its not like I dont want to give up my money, I am just wondering. Back when religion started, money was never involved. It was free. Passed from one mind to another. Spread like wild fire. But now so many are ignorant. Why? Because money are involved. Even when a person intend to pass the knowledge to others, they ask for money. Hearing how costly it got, the listener walks away. Where is religion stands now? Money? Who knows? Maybe God does but thats just won't help. A helpless man receive two hand to reach out. One hand asks for money or rewards of the worldly and the other asks for none. They say the one that ask for none is the better person but what if that hand is a hand of a group of the strayed. The one that does not see religion but see the fun of life. Whereas the other hand is the hand of a pious. Or maybe just someone that can help us walk to the right path. Why does a dakwah or the means of them spreading religion is equal to us putting out our money. They will say this, God shall return your money and it will not be in vain. But that is not the solid truth. What if God decides a harsher road for him. Would he lost his way? We don't know. God himself would. Money is religion? I'm not sure but right now, to me, religion is very costly. Its different from charity. This is giving up something to gain something. Giving up money for what? To learn more about your own religion? No harm done they say but I keep hearing, we want money in exchange for our knowledge. Different from it being your job as a religion teacher. This is you, 'willingly' give out your knowledge yet, with a price of what? Nothing is ever simple. Money here money there. While I continue to ponder about this...


Friday, May 9

Thoughts&Opinion #10 : Girl's ideals

Sup' Readers.
So girls has lots of ideals,
And among them are ideals on guys. 

I wonder if in the back of their minds
They are always painting,
Always improvisibg and
Always perfectfing their perfect man. 

Oh but wait. 
I am a girl too. 
Do I have an ideal man?
More than ideal,
He's perfect to me. 
Where does he exists?
In my imagination. 

I have established long ago,
That a perfect man is certainly
Nothing but just an ideal we put on people. 
I don't need a perfect man. 
Just a man is enough.
A man that will grow with me. 
That changes and moves forward with me. 

Flaws on idealic man,
They are static. 
If they change,
They are not perfect. 

Girls kept puting pressure on guys. 
'I want my boy to come to my house
In the middle of the night
With flowers in his hand
And a smile on his face'

My opinion:
If he were to do that to me. 
Woke me up when I was asleep,
I'll yell, 'Get Lost!'

Nobody gets in between 
Me and my sleep. 
Aint NOBODY!!!

For this picture,
Maybe some guys do that,
But you don't go wishing for it,
Don't go hoping for it,
Cause when you get a guy like that,
You just do. 

If you puts too much ideals on a guy,
Reality will hit you so bad,
That you'd think all guys are no good. 

Guys need to be left alone. 
Not to be forced to be made into our ideals. 
Let them show their love to you,
In their own way. 

My perfect guy would be
Very much impossible to get
But I don't want such guy
Cause my Mr. Right is the guy,
That I would call my husband. 
